Through our global missions we see
lives changed throughout the world.
Come and live your life on mission with us. No matter who you are, there is a way for you to get involved and make an impact in our world. We believe in sending groups around the world to share the Gospel, as well as supporting missionaries who are on the ground in countries around the world.
Operation Christmas Child
Help us reach our goal of 500 boxes this Christmas season to bless children around the world through Operation Christmas Child! These shoeboxes are filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to them in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This is a fun activity to do with your children, grandchildren, or as a family or life group. $10 shipping cost is requested to help get the boxes to their overseas destinations.
Sign-up on Sundays in the lobby at the Operation Christmas Child table November 3 – 17. Turn in boxes by November 24.
If you can’t make it in-person to pick up a box you can build a box online!
Dress a Girl Around the World
This amazing group of world changers led by the fabulous Jan VanAlstine has sewn over 4000 dresses to give to girls in need all around the world! We are so doggone proud of them!
Thursdays from 12pm – 2pm If you would like to join this group of ladies and sew to make a difference, click the link below.
We would love to hear from you!