The mission of the Worship Arts Ministry is to bring glory to God through different art forms such as music, drama, dance, studio and technical arts. We do this by obeying His direction as we love, lead, serve, and value people. Our commitment to the mission will be evident in our personal lives off-‘stage’, dedication to excellence and love for others. Our current service teams include choirs, praise bands and an orchestra, comprised of children, youth and adults. The Worship Arts Ministry works closely with the Production Team to produce special events and provide content for our online worship services to further God’s Kingdom.
If you have a musical talent or a heart for worship we would love to get you connected to one of our many music opportunities here at Purpose Church.

Have you ever been interested in being in the choir, band, or orchestra?
We are calling all volunteers to audition by submitting a video to us at worship@purposechurch.com
We ask that anyone interested please send a 2-minute video consisting of 1 minute showcasing their talents and 1 minute describing their journey and desire to volunteer in the Worship Arts.
Send your video to: worship@purposechurch.com

Elementary Kids are able to participate in the Purpose Kids Choir. Here they
will learn fun music and be part of an exciting faith-based musical each year.
Kids sing in adult services 3 or 4 times a year along with other fun singing
opportunities. This is a fun ministry where friendships are formed and talents are showcased.
The Celebration Choir leads worship every Sunday morning in the 8:30 AM service. The Choir also presents several special musical performances throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Music Suite in Room C-104. The Celebration Orchestra partners with the Celebration Choir to provide inspirational and congregational music every Sunday morning in the 8:30 AM service. The Orchestra is made up of both advanced student and adult instrumentalists committed to being a part of a weekly worship experience. Rehearsals are approximately once a month. For more information and to schedule an audition, contact our Traditional Worship Director, Samantha Hunter. samanthah@purposechurch.com

Join us as we lead worship weekly, singing traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Our Traditional Worship team meets Sunday mornings at 7:30am. For more information and to schedule an audition, contact our Traditional Worship Director, Samantha Hunter. samanthah@purposechurch.com