The local church is the best place to invest financially because every dollar you give goes further faster. Because of your generosity, we are transforming the world for Jesus locally and globally.
“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” — 1 Timothy 6:18
At our Sunday services, checks or cash can be put into the offering buckets. Envelopes for cash are available in the connect center. Checks should be made out to “Purpose Church.”
Checks can be mailed or dropped off at: 586 N Main St. Pomona CA 91768
Begin Giving – CLICK HERE
Quick Guide – CLICK HERE
Video Tutorial – CLICK HERE
Instructions – CLICK HERE
To give, you can text an amount or text GIVE, a space, and amount to (844) 954-4447.
Quick Guide – CLICK HERE
Setup Tutorial – CLICK HERE
Video Tutorial – CLICK HERE
Instructions – CLICK HERE
Android – CLICK HERE
For more info on how to donate to Purpose from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) CLICK HERE
For more info on how to donate to Purpose with stocks or mutual funds CLICK HERE
To register and pay for an upcoming event, visit Church Center Registrations.
For More Information about any of these options, please contact us:
586 N. Main St., Pomona, CA 91768 | 909-629-5277 |
Watch a Sermon on Generosity from Pastor Eric
God has given each of us a call to be generous. At Purpose Church we believe generous people change the world, and through YOU we have seen that to be true time and time again.
We invite you to watch week 5 of our “We Are That Kind of Church” series, as Pastor Eric Holmstrom shares with us the ways God likes to bless those that are generous!
For more info on how to leave a Legacy Gift through your Will or Living Trust CLICK HERE
For more info on how to donate to Purpose with your life insurance CLICK HERE
How do I set up a recurring transaction?
How do I view my Giving Statement or Transaction History?
In order to view Giving Statements or Transaction History, you must first have set up a
registered account in SecureGive. After that, you can view statements or history through the
“User Account Icon” in your SecureGive profile.
1. Sign in to your profile at
2. In the upper right corner, click on your User Account Icon (“little person” image).
3. This will bring up additional options that are available to you, including:
Transactions: Click on “Transactions” to view dates, amounts etc., associated with your
giving history.
Giving Statements: If a Giving Statement has been created by Purpose Church and it
is available, you can click on your giving statement to view it, and you can also use the print
function in your web browser to print or download it as a PDF.
Please note: If, after clicking on the Giving Statement, it does not load then it’s possible that the
pop-up blocker for your web browser is turned on. After turning it off, then click on the Giving
Statement again to view it. It’s also important to note that only donors who have set up an
account in SecureGive (considered “registered”) will be able to, independently, view Giving
Statements online (as they become available) or past statements that are archived. If someone
is not registered, they will have to either set up a SecureGive account or wait for statements to
be issued (mailed or emailed) by Purpose Church.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to send us an email at or call our Stewardship Coordinator, Berit Gates, at 909-450-
What are the processing fees that are expensed to Purpose Church for each online giving transaction?
(1) Bank Processing Fees: $1.25 per ACH transaction regardless of the amount. Per Bank Account.
(2) Credit & Debit Card Processing Fees: 2.5% + .30 cent for all credit cards, 1.75% + .30 cent for all debit cards.
(3) Bill Pay (through your personal financial institution): No fees
Will I receive a receipt for my online gift?
Yes, a receipt will be emailed to you dircetly on completion of your transaction.
Can I mail my gift to Purpose Church?
Yes! You can send your gift to:
Purpose Church
ATTN: Finance
586 N. Main St.
Pomona, CA 91768
What is the last day I can make a gift this year?
All contributions must be received by the church or postmarked by December 31 in order to be included on your contribution statement for that year. Any online contributions must also be completed by you no later than December 31.
Where can I register and pay for a church event/camp?
To register and pay for an upcoming event or camp, visit Church Center Registrations. Please do not pay for an event through our giving platform.
Other Questions?
If you have any other questions about giving, please send us an email at or call us at 909.629.5277.
All contributions received will be used to support the ministry and operational needs of Purpose Church. Purpose Church is a tax-exempt organization, organized under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. In accordance with these laws, we reserve the right to distribute all fund contributed to the church to the area of greatest needs.