“I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”
God’s call for us is to speak for the vulnerable and to care for those in need.

There are over 35,000 children in foster care in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. And over 140 million orphans worldwide. God has called his Church to care for children with no families, and Purpose Church is answering the call. Will you join us?
The mission of Chosen is to:
- Promote foster care and adoption
- Support foster, kinship and adoptive families
- Advocate for teens and transitional age youth in foster care
- Partner with local foster and adoption agencies
Are you currently a foster care family? Are you interested in foster care? Are interested in supporting foster care families? Email us at chosen@purposechurch.com to discover more ways to get involved.
In addition, we have a weekly support group for foster and adoptive families. Contact us for more info!
Please join us for our Freedom Bag Workday on September 14 at 9am in Room H102 of the Purpose Church campus! We will be assembling new bags and prepping donated bags for human trafficking survivors with all the emergency essentials they will need when they begin a new life of freedom.
Check out our Amazon Wish List for current items needed.