The Landing is a home and safehouse to any teenager who is caught up in any variation of pain this life can bring, where students will connect with God learning to trust God’s promises creating a lasting impact on their lives, connecting with others investing in their lives and connecting others to the relationship God offers. Learning to rely on God daily through the understanding that we are better together.
No matter what your hurt, habit or hangup looks like for you, this is your place. The Landing provides hope and support through any aspect of pain. To some that looks like a broken home, depression, anxiety, an unrelenting addiction, feelings of loneliness or self harm. These are just a few of the many examples of hurdles this life throws at us. We are here for you along any path you may be on.
The Landing meets every Tuesday night. We have highly qualified and committed adult leaders who guide our students through lessons which alternate weekly between a teaching or a guest testimony. This includes worship and experiential learning exercises, followed by gender specific small groups to discuss the evening’s topic with a safe community.
The Landing is a 52-week 12-step Jesus-centered recovery program for teens that runs congruent topically with Celebrate Recovery. It doesn’t matter what your hurt, habit, or hangup is, we want you at The Landing!
When: 6:30-8:30pm
Where: E-200
If you have any questions about The Landing at Purpose Church or any of our other Student Ministries, feel free to contact us.
Haley Newman
Student Ministries Assistant