Retirement and New Lead Pastor Updates
Congratulations, Eric Holmstrom!
Our 19th Lead Pastor of Purpose Church!
We are excited to share the news that on Wednesday, June 12, our congregation voted to affirm Eric Holmstrom as the next Lead Pastor of Purpose Church, with over 98% of the votes tallying as YES. This historic night will be forever etched into our Purpose Church memory!
From the beginning of this process, we have seen God move and direct every step. We give all glory to God as our church came together in a unified decision on the future of Purpose Church. God has been faithful for 154 years and we know He will continue to be!
Pastor Glenn will Retire October 1, 2024
Pastor Glenn will continue to be our Lead Pastor until the day of his October 1, 2024, retirement. The imprint of his leadership on our church will continue for many years to come.
Pastor Glenn, Pastor Eric and Pastor Gregg will continue to work in concert with one another to lead the church through the next four months. Together, they will guide the church through this transition, giving time to honor Glenn and prepare for his retirement.
Through it all, we will stay committed to seeking the Lord together as a church to carry out the work He has called us to — to see Everyone Everywhere Following Jesus!

Retirement Gifts
We know how much Pastor Glenn means to all of us, so we want to make sure to bless him and Kimberly as they enter this next season of their lives. Many of you have been asking how you can participate. Throughout the month of September, we will have opportunities for you to express your love and appreciation to the Gundersons.
One tangible way you can participate in blessing the Gundersons as they enter retirement is with a financial gift. If you feel led to contribute, you can donate using any of the same methods you use for your tithes and offerings: online, in person offering, or by mail. Just mark your gift “Leadership Tribute”. All donations will go directly to Pastor Glenn as a financial gift on September 29.
*Note: As per IRS regulations any gift given to a specific individual does not qualify as a tax deductible donation and will not appear on your giving statement.

Opportunity to share a message with Glenn or Kimberly
If you would like to share a message with Glenn or Kimberly, either written or video.
Congregational Meeting
Please watch this historic Congregational Meeting from Wednesday, June 12, in full as our voting members participated in voting and affirming Eric Holmstrom as our next Lead Pastor with over 98% voting YES.
Town Hall #2 Summary
Please watch the second Town Hall meeting in full and review the “Town Hall Booklet #2” for a complete summary and report from the Search Committee, as well as a Q&A with Pastor Eric Holmstrom and his wife Sarah.
Town Hall #1 Summary
Please watch the first Town Hall meeting in full and review the “Town Hall Booklet #1” for a complete summary and report from the Trustees, as well as a Q&A from Pastor Glenn Gunderson and his wife Kimberly.

Frequently Asked Questions
When does Pastor Glenn retire?
Pastor Glenn will retire October 1, 2024.
Who will be leading the church from now until October 1?
Pastor Glenn will continue to be our Lead Pastor until the day of his October 1, 2024, retirement. The imprint of his leadership on our church will continue for many years to come.
Pastor Glenn, Pastor Eric and Pastor Gregg will continue to work in concert with one another to lead the church through the next four months. Together, they will guide the church through this transition, giving time to honor Glenn and prepare for his retirement.
Through it all, we will stay committed to seeking the Lord together as a church to carry out the work He has called us to — to see Everyone Everywhere Following Jesus!
What was the result of the Congregational vote on June 12?
On Wednesday, June 12, our congregation voted to affirm Eric Holmstrom as the next Lead Pastor of Purpose Church, with over 98% of the votes tallying as YES. This historic night will be forever etched into our Purpose Church memory!
What Retirement Celebrations will be available to our church?
September Sunday Mornings
- September 8 – Glenn’s 7 Favorite Movie Clips
- September 15 – Glenn’s First Sermon as Lead Pastor
- September 22 – Glenn’s Last Sermon as Lead Pastor
- September 29 – Retirement Celebration Sunday
Retirement Events
- September 21 (10am-12pm) – Women’s Celebration Brunch for Kimberly – REGISTER NOW
- September 22 (3-5pm) – Retirement Blessings: Honoring the Gundersons
- September 28 (8-10am) – Men’s Warrior Breakfast with Glenn
What is the Leadership Tribute Fund and how do I contribute?
One tangible way you can participate in blessing the Gundersons as they enter retirement is with a financial gift. If you feel led to contribute, you can donate using any of the same methods you use for your tithes and offerings: online, in person offering, or by mail. Just mark your gift “Leadership Tribute”. All donations will go directly to Pastor Glenn as a financial gift on September 29.
*Note: As per IRS regulations any gift given to a specific individual does not qualify as a tax deductible donation and will not appear on your giving statement.
Who votes for the next Lead Pastor?
Anyone from the church can attend the Congregational Meeting, but only members will be able to vote. In addition, you must be a member 21 days prior to the congregational vote.
Head to purposechurch.com/membership to learn more.
What was the Trustees' decision moving forward?
The Trustees decided to move ahead with Eric Holmstrom and the Search Committee in an in-depth process to determine if he should be presented to the church as the next Lead Pastor, before doing a wide search. For information on how this decision was made, see the Town Hall Booklet.
What was the Search Committee's decision moving forward?
On Tuesday, May 28, the Board of Trustees received and approved the unanimous decision of the Search Committee to proceed with a Congregational Business Meeting to vote on calling Eric Holmstrom as the next Lead Pastor of Purpose Church.
The Congregational Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 6:30-7:30pm in the Worship Center. Everyone is invited to attend this historic meeting but only those who meet the requirements of Voting Members will be able to vote (see Constitution & Bylaws). Childcare is provided for children through age 5.
How was the Search Committee selected?
The Search Committee was selected by the Board of Trustees. The members of the Pastoral Search Committee consist of at least one member from the Board of Trustees, Deacon Service Team, Global Missions Advisory Team, and two church staff, one of whom is a pastor. The rest of the members may be selected from these groups and other members of the congregation in good standing. The Board of Trustees defines the authority and responsibilities of the Search Committee and the search process to be followed.
See the Town Hall Booklet for full list and bios.
What is the timeline for this process?
The Search Committee was asked to commit to an intense time of 6-10 meetings during the months of April through June to consider all of the information compiled for them and conduct an in-depth process of interviews and assessments with Eric Holmstrom as the sole candidate. Through this process, they are to determine whether they are ready to recommend to the Trustees that Eric should be presented for approval by a vote of the members to be the next Lead Pastor of Purpose Church.
On Tuesday, May 28, they reported to the Trustees their unanimous decision to proceed with a Congregational Business Meeting to vote on calling Eric Holmstrom as the next Lead Pastor of Purpose Church.
The Congregational Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 6:30-7:30pm in the Worship Center. Everyone is invited to attend this historic meeting but only those who meet the requirements of Voting Members will be able to vote (see Constitution & Bylaws). Childcare is provided for children through age 5.
Who do I address my questions to?
The desire of the Board of Trustees, Staff Leadership and Search Committee is to be transparent and communicate well throughout this process. We know that you will have questions all along the way. Please contact us with any of your questions or concerns.
To our dear Purpose Church family,
After 31 wonderful years as your Lead Pastor and Pastor’s wife, Kimberly and I would like to share our plans to retire on October 1st of this year. We know that this news brings up all kinds of emotions and questions. It does for us too! We hope that this webpage, as well as the Town Hall meetings help address some of those questions and concerns.
On behalf of Kimberly, myself, and our entire family, we want you to know how much we appreciate you all.
With love and gratitude,
Pastor Glenn